The Caving Academy is by cavers and for cavers. There is an opportunity for you to be involved, no matter your skill level. You could be an Instructor or a Course Coordinator, a National Coordinator or a Curriculum Developer; an Executive Council Advisor, or an Expert Socializer and Beer Dri.....Outreach Coordinator! It is the combined efforts of everyone working together which allows our organization to succeed, grow, and serve. You are important and we want your help. Whether you can be highly involved, or just want to express your support, reach out and contact us!
Intructors must be safety conscious, know the curriculum, communicate well with students, and be able to drink a lot of beer (kidding, not kidding). Caving Academy's initial instructor cadre all have many years of caving experience and have taught numerous courses with other caving organizations. However, we cannot do this alone, and we look forward to welcoming new instructors to the cadre!

Sometimes we need to work -- but is it really?
National Coordinators
The National Coordinator of each country collaborates with their volunteers, cavers and caving organizations to deliver courses and meet the needs of that country. This position is not about personal technical skill, but about good communication, organization, and mostly being an awesome person.
Regional/Deputy Coordinators
Rather than being responsible for an entire country, Regional/Deputy Coordinators handle a specific region or set of responsibilities. This is an effective way for each person to handle a reasonable amount of work, and especially be able to focus on what they want and enjoy.
Assistant Instructors
Becoming an Assistant Instructor can be your end-goal or it can be a step on the path to becoming an Instructor. Once you have completed an advanced Caving Academy course, you can apply to be an Assistant Instructor.

We can count on students to deliver both the gear and the instructors to the training site.
Course Coordinators
Course Coordinators are masters of logistics, organization, and ensuring an awesome experience. This job isn't easy, but you aren't alone. All of us work together to achieve success, so don't hesitate to step up and give it a try.

Once in a while it just gets to be too much. Just be careful laying down on the job while on-rope!
Curriculum and Resource Developers
The people who step up and help develop materials are so much more skilled and critical than they are given credit for. Not only do they have an excellent grasp of the topic they are working on, but they understand how to communicate it effectively to others. This is also how we can influence the future of caving by keeping on the forefront of progress and best practices.
Outreach Coordinator
Are you great at reaching out to people and socializing? Do you go to tons of events and can help spread the word about Caving Academy? Do you want to be paid to drink beer and talk about the amazing opportunities available with Caving Academy? Okay, we can't actually directly pay you, but there are benefits!
Advisors may often be behind the scenes, but the impact they have is huge. Whether you are on the Executive Council or a Council focused on specific topics such as explosives (sorry, passage modification), diving, rigging, surveying, expedition management, or caver games, you'll have a big influence.